Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Are family pictures


  1. I love the pictures of your family Joe! Where are the rest of your many siblings? :)

  2. Hi Joe! My name's Alysha. I read the comment you left on Yana and Shawnee's prayerful mama's blog thanking her for posting the "child's prayer" and had to come see who it was that was so personally touched by it. I remember reading your mom's post not so long ago that she wrote about you..and how much you have been a blessing to your family. Your blog posts are so uplifting and wonderful to read..thank you for all the wonderful bible verses. We have a small family right now (5 kids)..but can't wait for God to continue to grow our family thru adoption. We're about to bring home our first little boy from Ukraine, he's 3 and has Down Syndome. We're also adopting a little boy from the Republic of Georgia, he's 4 and has Down Syndrome too. God is so good and I love that you have been shown this and that now He uses you to show others. God bless you, Joe! I'll keep you and your families adoptions in my prayers!

  3. You are part of a beautiful family. May God bless you and you live to serve him.


  4. Hi Joe! Thanks for visiting my blog! You have a wonderful blog, and you have an amazing family! God bless you!
